Welcome to TTWRDC Boath
Our College is one among 22 Tribal Welfare Residential Degree colleges that have been established in the State of Telangana under the aegis of TTWREIS, Tribal Welfare, Gurukulam as part of the KG to PG free Education policy of the Government of Telangana during the academic year 2016 -17. These Degree colleges were launched to cater to the higher educational needs of the students of underprivileged and unprivileged sections of society and to enhance their confidence levels by acquiring the highest level of academic excellence coupled with excellent communication skills and other interpersonal skills to transform themselves into the best citizens of the Nation.
The TTWREIS Tribal Welfare Gurukulam has been originated from the APTWREIS which was established in the year 1984. The Society has started its great journey with the herculean task of transforming 270 Residential schools into centers of excellence in not only academics but also its co-curricular and extra-curricular fronts. Its journey has been continued up to the year 1998. In the year 1998, the society was bifurcated into two facilitating the way for the creation of Tribal Welfare from Social Welfare by allocating 65 Residential Schools. Thereafter in the year 1999, the APTWREIS was declared an autonomous society to guide its institutions to accomplish national-level educational standards.
The Government of Telangana gives utmost importance to education and has resolved to provide KG to PG free education policy to provide free education and in the year 2017 the beginning of (22) TTWRDCs in the state of Telangana Vide G.O Ms. No. 40 Dt 06.07.2017.
Among those (22) TTWRD Colleges 7 colleges were allocated to men to flourish themselves into highly Knowledgeable students to compete with their counterparts from the upper strata of the society. The other 15 colleges have been allocated to women to transform themselves into the most empowered women of the society postponing their marriage till they stand on their legs.
The TTWRDC colleges have been excelling in academic and other fronts under the dynamic leadership of its secretary with his think tank at the helm of the affairs of Gurukulam. Thanks to the global vision of the secretary the students are scaling the heights of the world’s highest mountain peaks and measuring the depth of the oceans. Some students going over the cosmos, and Horizons of the nation are no limits to making visits to various countries and transforming themselves into global leaders. Some students are proving themselves in the national arena in the games and sports front. Artists, Dancers, Actors, Singers, and Lyricists have been born in these institutes. Some students have been cultivating their dreams of transforming themselves into future entrepreneurs. We are proud to share that the functioning of Gurukulam could attract the research team of Harvard University recently to visit the institutions run by Gurukulam. Finally, all the Tribal Welfare Residential Degree colleges in the state have taken an oath to go ahead with the below-mentioned motto.
Our Motto:
We pledge to Educate, Enlighten, Emancipate, and Empower students from oppressed, suppressed, and marginalized communities.
Imparting quality higher education with a focus on the highest level of communication skills and human values to its inmates to transform them into the fittest persons in today's highly competitive modern world.
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