
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Continuous Professional Development: An Activity Report 

1. Orientation Programme: 

Gurukulam organizes a three-day orientation on roles and responsibilities to the fresh recruit teachers into TTWREIS. This orientation helps to build a workforce relationship between the new recruits and the department.  

For the academic year 2019-2020, gurukulam  has conducted  the orientation programme for newly recruited Degree lecturers from 10.10.201 9 to 1 2.10.2019 on various aspects like


  • Student centred teaching and learning By Dr. Nagaraju Rtd Govt Principal
  • Designing student centred lesson plans -By Dr. Nagaraju Rtd Govt Principal
  • Mental Health awareness By Dr. Geetha challa ( famous Psychologist)
  • Psychological First aid  - By Dr. Geetha challa ( famous Psycologist)
  • Ethics and code of conduct - By sri P.V Srinivasa Rao (RTD) TTWREIS GURUKULAM
  • Aspects of Health and Hygine in Residential degree colleges - By Dr. Swathi TTWREIS GURUKULAM
  • Effective Class room management - By DR.A.Visweswara sharma Tara Degree college Siddipet
  • Aspects of Choice based Credit system - By Dr.Gopala Sudarshanam Govt degree college Gajwel
  • Need for club and extensional activities in RDC - By Dr.Gopala Sudarshanam Govt degree college Gajwel
  • Students' study projects -By Prof Vidya Sr.AF TSWREIS
  • Career Guidance - By Prof Vidya Sr.AF TSWREIS
  • Role of Lecture in Residential Education - By Smt Geetha Laksmi TSWREIS
  • Flipped Pedagogy - By Dr.Lakshmim Mantha University Engineering College , O U HYD

2. CGC - Orientation Programme :

CGC co-ordinators(22) have been called for "orientation programme" on 19-10-2019 at Komaram bheem conference Hall, Dss Bhavan,Masab tank to conduct one day orientation to co-ordinators and one of the council members from atl 22 TTWR Degree cotleges. The main motto of the orjentation is to aware Career Guidance counciI team members about responsibilities and scope of their work, to intern make
CGC effective at college level.The work of CGC team includces

a. Career guidance in the subject by choice of student

b. To conduct 100 hours of training on empLoyabitity skilts to registered finat year students"

ln this regard, alI the 44 faculty among which co-ordinators (22) and one of the counciI members (22) participated in the orientation will gain a strong understanding about their roles and guidance impact on students. 

3.  UNDP -Project DISHA   TOT (Training of Trainers):

Career Guidance counciI estabtished in 22 TTWR Degree colleeges aim to guide the students in EEE (higher Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship). In this context, the CGC team at head office lead by Deputy Secretary  has tied up with UNDP (United Nation's Development Program) on working on its project DISHA - This project's main  objective is providing Career Guidance and Counseling to 5000 girl students in three states  where in the state of Telangana 1500 girl students of   Women TTWR Degree Colleges are included. ln this regard UNDP has conducted  (2) days TOT (Training for Trainers) for Selected college facutty on 07.02.2020 & 08.02.2020 at TSCAB ,Rajendranagar to orient on the project's mission at institutional level:

Role of CGC members to make a path way for a girl to select  her CAREER.

  • Importance of EEE in enriching the girl's child.
  • Conduction of psychometric assessment..
  • Counseling sessions
  • Job skills readiness 
  • Online internship training/offers
  • Job offers.

4. A One Day Workshop for English and Mathematics  faculty  regarding Placement Training.

In the pursuit of imparting effective communication and soft skills to the remote students of TTWRDCs ,under CGC , the English faculty of the colleges are trained with the ELEVATE- pre-Intermediate text  and the tips to improve the communication competency of the students. 

While the communication skills are important in one's life, to grab an opportunity either in the higher education or in employment, aptitude with right attitude is also essential. Understanding problems and analyzing the situation for variable solutions is a key skill in every position at every level. Developing this ability can improve the person's work, help them to achieve company goals and eventually support their personal career goals. A one day workshop on 08-01-2020 to the CGC members  analyticaI skills ) under CGC at Komararn Bheem Conference Hall, DSS Bhavan- Masab Tank, Hyderabard.has empowered mathematics faculty to assist students in improving their aptitude skills.

5.Online Faculty Development Programme:
The COVID-19 with  pandemic situation has demanded the people to think critically in the present times. The Gurukulam officials have thus came up with a two-week online faculty development programme with the respective subject experts through Microsoft Teams.for the faculty (regular and guest) to hone their teaching skills and subject knowledge and share their experiences on digital platform. The FDP  has been  successful  in the maiden attempt with great delibrations from the speakers .

Apart from such unique programs TTWRDCs have the following framework of forums to learn and grow continuously in their teaching profession.

Faculty Forum:

TTWREIS institutions encourage faculty to improve their qualifications by pursuing research and come up with quality research papers, articles and research projects. The faculty forums in the institutions offer time and support to our faculty in exchanging their common research interests and sharing their areas of interest through presentations, seminars and workshops with in the institutions and outside.

Departmental Forum:

To accomplish some ”checks and balances’’ the Departmental forum discusses all academic matters of importance for the department. The departmental forum consists of representatives of Head of the Department.

Subject Forum:

The programme of subject forum takes the approach of integrating information and communications technology into teacher education, focusing on building teachers communities of learning to create digital learning resources and network with one another for sharing and learning .The larger goal of the programme is to strengthen subject matter expertise among teachers.