Campus Life

Campus Life - Activities - Co-Curricular Activities

Co-Curricular activities

CO-Operative Store(S – Mall):

S-mall is a prestigious project undertaken by commerce students to impart business skills among them. Under the project students have invested the capital, bought and sold goods, earned profits on the invested capital and distributed among them.

The project has shown a positive impact on the students by helping them to understand business proceedings in a practical way. Ours has been the first college to establish a student run consumer store among all 22 T.T.W.R. Degree Colleges

Store Name: Savithribai pule Consumer Store

Started with Rs.10, 000 Share capital.50% of the share capital contributed by the Principal and the remaining 50% by Staff members as one time donation.

Basic objectives:

Daily necessary goods available to the students.

Items available in the store:

We sale daily, pens, pencils, toothpaste, tooth brush, soaps, shampoos all brands, all types of snacks ex Biscuits, mixtures, pallipatti, mysoor pack, sweets. Etc.

  • Over a period of two and half years the transactions are aimed for the accessible facilities to the students to meet all the day to day small requirements.
  • It helped a lot the students in avoiding going out of the college premises for repeated small requirements and to keep the students safe.

                                                    “It is a no profit no loss activity”

At COVID-19 Period:

 Our College has launched Mask manufacturing unit in the college on 29/05/2020 at 9.30 AM. Accordance with the instructions of our beloved secretary to promote the skill development among the proud daughters of the college as well as to create a source of income for them during Corona crisis.      

Our beloved Regional Coordinator sir inaugurated the programme through online. We are extremely happy to inform you that RC sir blessed the proud daughters of our college by sending the indent for the purchase order to the tune of 400 plus Mask. We strongly believe that this programme came out of flying colours in terms of empowerment of women through acquiring wonderful entrepreneurial abilities. 

 Our college had congratulate all the members of the Smt.Savitri bai phule consumer store of the college for taking initiative to launch the innovative programme in the college. 

NSS (National Service Scheme):

  • National service scheme is an Indian government sponsored public service program conducted by the ministry of youth affairs and sports of the Government of India.
  • Students are encouraged to engage in this and provide service to people.
  • The motto of NSS is “Not me-But You”.
  • Certification from NSS will help the students in their higher education
  • Their interaction with the people and service will develop their responsibility on the nation.

IMPACT Program:

IMPACT is a parent- Teacher interface in which parents discuss their children’s strengths and weakness. It allows the parents to know their children’s progress and to plan for their future. Teachers and principal motivate the students to report immediately after holidays as this program is conducted before vacation . This program has gained a lot of response from students.

Debate League:

This activity help the students towards rational thinking ,citizenship, manners, organization of thoughts, pursuasion and public speaking. Debate League has the capability to deeply engage the students in relevant learning to inspire them to be a deep thinker. So, At every Gurukulam institution Debate League is conducted once in a month on current burning topic.