
Departments - Botany - Course Objective


  • To develop a strong foundation in fundamentals of  Botany, for scientific understanding  and promote scientific literacy among students.
  • Knowledge acquired to be applied for socio-economic growth and benefit of the society.
  • To empower them with life skills through effective guidance and counselling.
  • To promote research culture for self and to benefit the society in large.
  • To equip them with moral values & ethics.
  • To improve their knowledge on conservation,plant protection , post - harvesting management including value - addition .
  • Added with global warming and climate change, decreasing land holding ,and high demand of quality horticulture product. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of lifelong learning, through practical training .
  • Enable graduates to pursue post graduate studies in plant sceinces and succeed in academic and research careers.
  • Assume a leading and influential roles in their organizations and societies.