NCC/NSS/IIC - NSS - Introduction


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Introduction :
National Service Scheme (NSS) was introduced in 1969 with the primary objective of developing the
personality and character of the student youth through voluntary community service. ‘Education through
Service’ is the purpose of the NSS. The ideological orientation of the NSS is inspired by the ideals of
Mahatma Gandhi. Very appropriately, the motto of NSS is “NOT ME, BUT YOU”. An NSS volunteer places
the ‘community’ before ‘self’.

To set an example to inspire youth to serve the society and play integral role in national development along
with personal, social and spiritual development

To develop individual’s mind, spirit and body to work towards national integrity and social responsibility to
create change in the society
The Main Objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS) :
1. It develops a sense of respect to the Principles. Values. Rights and obligations promote national
unity,Integrity. Nonviolence, Secularism, Democracy, Equality before Law. Socialism, Self reliance a dignity
of Labour, commitment to fight against injustice, inequality and cruelty.
2. Understand the community in which they work.

3. Understand themselves in relation to their community.
4. Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving.
5. Develop in themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
6. Develop the competence required for group living and sharing responsibilities.
7. Gain skills in mobilizing community participation.
8. Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude
9. Develop capacity to adapt to emergency situation like natural disasters and
10. Practice National integration and Harmony
11. It develops sense of respect of our great historic and cultural heritage.
12. It promotes spirit of respect and scientific attitude to others encourage practices
them to fight against evil corruption dogmatism, caste system, communalism elc
13. Identify the needs of problems in the community in the solution of which they can be involved.
14. They apply their education in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems.
15.Develop competence required for group living and sharing responsibilities.
16. The NSS creates the awareness of the National and International issue and prepare them to play an
effective role in the construction of National and International economic, politics and social systems.
*On the whole NSS is Development of personality of students through Community Service*

NSS Motto
The motto of NSS is "NOT ME BUT YOU". It underlines that the welfare of an individual is ultimately
dependent on the welfare of the society as a whole. This expresses the essence of democratic living and
upholds the need of self-less service and appreciation of the other man's point of view and also consideration
for fellow human beings. Therefore NSS volunteers shall strive for the well being of the society.

NSS Symbol
The NSS symbol is based on the "Rath Wheel" of the Konark Sun Temple of Orissa. The giant wheel
portrays the cycles of creation, preservation and release and signifies the movement in life across time and
space The design of the symbol, a simplified form of Sun Chariot Wheel primarily depicts movement. The
wheel signifies the progressive cycle of life. The symbol thus stands for continuity as well as change and
implies the continuous striving for social change.

NSS Badge
The NSS symbol is embossed on the NSS badge. The NSS volunteers wear it while undertaking any
programme or community service. The Konark Wheel in the symbol has eight bars, which represent the 24
hours of the day. Hence, the badge reminds the wearer to be in readiness for the service of the nation round
the clock i.e. for 24 hours. The Red Colour in the badge indicates that the NSS volunteers are full of blood
i.e. lively, active energetic and full of high spirit. The Navy Blue Colour indicates the cosmos of which the
NSS is a tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.

NSS was formally launched on 24th September 1969, the birth Centenary year of Father o fNatiom.
Therefore. 24 September is celebrated every year as NSS Day with appropriate prograrnmes and activities.

NSS Unit & Programme Officer
One NSS Unit consists of 100 student volunteer guided by one Programme Officer who will be a faculty
member. The Programme Officer is expected to motivate the student youth to understand the values and
philosophy of NSS. The overall functions of Programme Officer are to help the students to plan, implement
and evaluate the activities of NSS under his/her charge and give proper guidance and directions to the student volunteers.

The Duties and Functions of Programme Officer
The Programme Officer is one of the important person in NSS Organization, he/she plays pivotal role and
responsible for the organization of NSS Unit, implementation of NSS Programme under the supervision and
direction of Chairman and Principal of the College. He/she will be responsible to carry out the instructions
issued by the Programme Coordinator of the University Regional Centre and State Liaison Officer for the
implementation of NSS activities as per the NSS Action Plan given by the Programme Coordinator, the
Programme Officer plays the role of an organizer an educator, as a motivator.Coordinator, supervision, an

administrator, and public relation officer to improve the quality and magnitude of NSS Programmes their
institutions/Colleges. His/her functions can be stated as under.

1. An a Organizer
i. To interpret the scheme to the students/volunteers and other members of the College community and create awareness about the NSS Programmes.
ii. To provide information about NSS motto aims and objectives, philosophy and activities.

iii. To enlist cooperation and coordination of community, agencies, Government departments and Non-
Government agencies.

iv. To select or adopt the village/slum for service projects on the basis of utility and feasibility.
2. As an Educator
i. To prepare and conduct the orientation Programme for NSS Volunteers, explain them about the concept of
social service.
ii. To prepare and teach them the methods and skills required for achieving the objectives of the NSS scheme.
iii. To promote community education through meetings, talks, news bulletins, discussion etc.

3. As a Motivator
i. He/she coordinate the NSS activities in accordance with the volunteers' ability and community demands.
ii. He/she to coordinate various external resources available in the forms of Government services. welfare
agencies and voluntary organizations for the success of the NSS Programmes.
iii. He/she coordinates internal resources available in the form of teaching expertise of teachers for enhancing the knowledge and skills of the students in implementation of the NSS Scheme.

4. As a Supervisor
i. He/she supervises the NSS Programme undertaken by Volunteers..
ii. He/she supervisory and consultative skills should enable students to set realistic goals and see problems as a challenge and take appropriate steps to solve them.
iii. He/she to assist in evaluation and follow-up work.

5. As an Administrator
i. He/she to keep the principal or Chairman of NSS. College Advisory Committee and the Programme
Coordinator of the University informed of the programmes of the Unit.
ii. To run day-to-day administration of the programmes.
iii. To attend correspondence regularly between College and University
iv. To prepare progress report periodically for submission to College and University.
v. To maintain record of volunteers participation and programmes undertaken.
vi. To keep accounts and stock in the prescribed forms.

6. As a Public Relation Person
i. To inform the community about the NSS programmes through press reports, radio and television
ii. To create awareness, through pamphlets, seminars and meetings.
iii. To initiate to create awareness for image building of NSS in order to inspire and motivate the NSS

NSS Student Volunteers
Any student enrolled as a NSS volunteer, should put in at least 240 hours of useful social work in a
continuous period of two years (i.e. 120 hours per year). A work diary is to be maintained by each NSS
volunteer, which will help him/her in the assessment in his/her performance. Such volunteers eligible to get
NSS Service Certificate from the University Unit.

Activities of NSS Volunteers
The Activities under NSS are two-fold, viz.

i) Regular activities, which are undertaken during the working days of the semester/ college and

ii) Special Camping activities for seven (07) days duration in the adopted village/ urban slum during short term vacation. Each NSS unit is expected to adopt a nearby village/ slum and
work for its all round development. Regular activities and a special camps should preferably be organized in the adopted village/ rural area/ slum for this purpose.

NSS at TTWRDC (Girls) Mahabubabad

  •  The Government of Telangana has been giving major impetus to educational empowerment of marginalized children by launching 22 Tribal welfare Residential Degree Colleges in 2017 and passionately working to place the poorest among the Scheduled Tribes in the prosperous orbit through quality education in English medium up to graduation.

National Service Scheme (NSS) is beneficial to both students as well as the society in various different means. NSS helps the student to grow individually and also as a group. It makes the students confident, develop leadership skills, and gain knowledge about different people from different walks of life. Students also learn other skills that help them lead a better life in various situations. It teaches you to be disciplined and organized with the objectives you set for yourself and your goals.

  • On the request of the management, Vice Chancellor , Kakatiya University has sanctioned NSS Unit to our college on 2nd September 2021.

Since date of inception our NSS unit has been conducting various activities as per the instruction of NSS Regional Coordinator HYD and NSS Coordinator Kakatiya University Warangal.

NSS College Advisory Committee Members

S.No. Name of the Faculty Designation Role
1 Dr.G.Sandhya Rani Principal Principal
2 M.Vanaja DL Programme Officer
3 D.Rajini Guest DL Member
4 CH.Someshwari Guest DL Member
5 M.Usha Lab Assistant Member
6 B.Vennela Bhai PD Member


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