
Departments - Physics - About Us


Department of Physics was established in 2017 as soon as the Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Degree College for Girls Mahabubabad started in the same year.  This Department has been affiliated with Kakatiya University,  Warangal, Telangana since its inception. Understanding the diverse socio-economic backgrounds of the students, we engage in a participatory learning approach with students at the center of every program that we take up. 

Our teaching activities cover a wide range of subjects starting from mechanics, thermal physics, optics, waves, and vibrations to modern physics to name a few. The department's high-quality teaching methods include the use of digital tools and laboratories to help students visualize and understand various concepts in Physics. The active research experience of the faculty brings a multidisciplinary and integrated approach connecting courses across the semesters with each other and also to the current research. Our department currently offers courses for B.SC (M.P.Cs) and B.SC (M.P.C).

The department actively encourages the girls to continue their careers in science through PG training classes, and collaborative programs like 'She for STEM' by the Vigyanshaala.