Departments - Botany
In 2017, (22) Degree Colleges for Tribal Women and Men Students were introduced by the Telangana Government in all erstwhile districts of Telangana state providing Free and Quality education to the students most of them being First Generation Learners.
With inception of the Tribal Welfare Residential Degree College for Men at Kamareddy, Department of Botany was also established in 2017 offering B. Sc (BZC) – a 3 year Degree Course under Choice Based Credit System and is affiliated to Telangana University. The intake for each year is (40) students with 80% of seats reserved for ST students. The department has a laboratory to perform practicals as per the curriculum provided by the Telangana University and a department library isalso arranged.
As per the academic calendar and also as per the prescribed syllabus Co curricular activities such as Field trips; Seminars; Project works and awareness programs are regularly conducted for the benefit of the students and sharing knowledge among peer and common public. MoUs with other Degree Colleges and short term Certificate programs also form integral part of department activities. PG coaching to interested students is provided from the Second year of their degree itself.
The department aims to achieving the vision and mission of the department and strives to devise academic programs accordingly. Collaborations with other colleges and Universities India andAbroad would also be worked in future course of time.
To integrate traditional knowledge of plants and their uses, that our tribal students are bestowed upon from the past generations with professional study of the plants and its diversified branches and latest advancements in Research and Higher education, so asto enable them to chart a career in Botany.
- To prepare the students to learn fundamentals of Plant Sciences so as to acquire technical proficiency.
- To provide a wide platform to the students to assist them to encompass theoretical knowledge with practical applications
- To impart continuous information to the students about latest advances in the field of Plantsciences.
- Facilitating the students so as to have a successful career in Pant sciences in areas of research, teaching and innovation.
The department would strive to accomplish the vision and mission of the department through comprehensive planning of various programs blending them with regular curriculum.
Department Faculty |
Faculty Profile |
Syllabus |
Course Outcomes |
Time Table |
Department Activities |
Success Stories |
Future Five Year Plan |
Result Analysis |
SWOC Analysis |