
Departments - Physics - Course Outcomes



                 COURSE OUTCOMES


Course learning outcomes

  • Revise the knowledge of calculus, vectors, vector calculus
  • These basic mathematical structures are essential in solving problems
  • After going through the course, the student should be able to understand laws of motion and their application to various dynamical situations, notion of inertial frames and concept of Galilean invariance.
  • He/she will learn the concept of conservation of energy, momentum, angular momentum and apply them to basic problems.
  • Understand the analogy between translational and rotational dynamics, and application of both motions simultaneously in analyzing rolling with slipping.
  • Write the expression for the moment of inertia about the given axis of symmetry for different uniform mass distributions.
  • Understand the phenomena of collisions and idea about center of mass and laboratory frames and their correlation.
  • Understand the principles of elasticity through the study of Young Modulus and modulus of rigidity.
  • Understand simple principles of fluid flow and the equations governing fluid dynamics.
  • Apply Kepler's law to describe the motion of planets and satellite in circular orbit, through the study of law of Gravitation.
  • Explain the phenomena of simple harmonic motion and the properties of systems executing such motions.
  • Describe how fictitious forces arise in a non-inertial frame, e.g., why a person sitting in a merry-go-round experiences an outward pull.
  • Describe special relativistic effects and their effects on the mass and energy of a moving object.
  • appreciate the Special Theory of Relativity (STR)
  • In the laboratory course, the student shall perform experiments related to mechanics (compound pendulum), rotational dynamics (Flywheel), elastic properties (Young Modulus and Modulus of Rigidity) and fluid dynamics, and their applications in physical problems such as vibrating strings etc.
  • Course Outcomes
  • After going through the course, the student should be able to Deduce equation for simple Harmonic motion and obtain solution for its differential equation Understand super position principle and Lissajous figure Recognize and use a mathematical oscillator equation and wave equation, and derive these equations for certain systems
  • Obtain knowledge about damped and forced oscillations, solutions for differential equatior resonance principle
  • Understand and apply Fourier theorem to complex vibration problems/situations
  • Understand vibrations in strings and bars and apply them in everyday life situations
  • Get the knowledge of production, detection of Ultra sonics and apply in different situations
  • In the laboratory course, the student shall perform experiments related to waves and oscillations volume resonator.
  • compled oseRecognize and use a mathematical oscillator equation and wave equation, and derive these equations for certain systems
  • Obtain knowledge about damped and forced oscillations, solutions for differential equations Understand resonance principle
  • Understand and apply Fourier theorem to complex vibration problems/situations
  • Understand vibrations in strings and bars and apply them in everyday life situations
  • Get the knowledge of production, detection of Ultra sonics and apply in different situations.
  • In the laboratory course, the student shall perform experiments related to waves and oscillations volume resonator, coupled oscillators, formation of Lissajous figures using CRO
  • Course learning outcomes
  • After going through the course, the student should be able to Demonstrate Gauss law, Coulomb's law for the electric field, and apply it to systems of point charges as well as line, surface, and volume distributions of charges.
  • Explain and differentiate the vector (electric fields, Coulomb's law) and scalar (electric potential, electric potential energy) formalisms of electrostatics. Apply Gauss's law of electrostatics to solve a variety of problems.
  • Articulate knowledge of electric current, resistance and capacitance in terms of electric field and electric potential.
  • Demonstrate a working understanding of capacitors.
  • Describe the magnetic field produced by magnetic dipoles and electric currents.
  • Explain Faraday-Lenz and Maxwell laws to articulate the relationship between electric and magnetic fields.
  • Understand the dielectric properties, magnetic properties of materials and the phenomena of electromagnetic induction.
  • Describe how magnetism is produced and list examples where its effects are observed.
  • Apply Kirchhoff's rules to analyze AC circuits consisting of parallel and/or series combinations of voltage sources and resistors and to describe the graphical relationship of resistance, capacitor and inductor.
  • Apply various network theorems such as Superposition, Thevenin, Norton, Reciprocity, Maximum Power Transfer, etc. and their applications in electronics, electrical circuit analysis, and electrical machines.
  • In the laboratory course the student will get an opportunity to verify various laws in electricity and magnetism such as Lenz's law, Faraday's law and learn about the construction, working of various measuring instruments. Should be able to verify of various circuit laws, network theorems elaborated above, using simple electric circuits.
  • At the end of the course the student is expected to assimilate the following and possesses basic knowledge of the following.N- and P-type semiconductors, mobility, drift velocity, fabrication of P-N junctions; forward and reverse biased junctions.
  • Application of PN junction for different type of rectifiers and voltage regulators.
  • NPN and PNP transistors and basic configurations namely common base, common emitter and common collector, and also about current and voltage gain. Biasing and equivalent circuits, coupled amplifiers and feedback in amplifiers and oscillators.
  • Operational amplifiers and knowledge about different configurations namely inverting and non-inverting and applications of operational amplifiers in D to A and A to D conversions. To characterize various devices namely PN junction diodes, LEDs, Zener diode, solar cells, PNP and NPN transistors. Also construct amplifiers and oscillators using discrete components. Demonstrate invertingilators, formann Chesajous figures using Articulate knowledge of electric current, resistance and capacitance in terms of electric field and electric potential.
  • Demonstrate a working understanding of capacitors.
  • Describe the magnetic field produced by magnetic dipoles and electric currents.
  • Explain Faraday-Lenz and Maxwell laws to articulate the relationship between electric and magnetic fields. Understand the dielectric properties, magnetic properties of materials and the phenomena of electromagnetic induction. Describe how magnetism is produced and list examples where its effects are observed.
  • Apply Kirchhoff's rules to analyze AC circuits consisting of parallel and/or series combinations of voltage sources and resistors and to describe the graphical relationship of resistance, capacitor and inductor.
  • Apply various network theorems such as Superposition, Thevenin, Norton, Reciprocity, Maximum Power Transfer, etc. and their applications in electronics, electrical circuit analysis, and electrical machines.
  • In the laboratory course the student will get an opportunity to verify various laws in electricity and magnetism such as Lenz's law, Faraday's law and learn about the construction, working of various measuring instruments.
  • Should be able to verify of various circuit laws, network theorems elaborated above, using simple electric circuits.
  • At the end of the course the student is expected to assimilate the following and possesses basic knowledge of the following. N- and P-type semiconductors, mobility, drift velocity, fabrication of P-N junctions; forward and reverse biased junctions.
  • Application of PN junction for different type of rectifiers and voltage regulators.
  • NPN and PNP transistors and basic configurations namely common base, common emitter and common collector, and also about current and voltage gain.
  • Biasing and equivalent circuits, coupled amplifiers and feedback in amplifiers and oscillators.Operational amplifiers and knowledge about different configurations namely inverting and non-inverting and applications of operational amplifiers in D to A and A to D conversions.
  • To characterize various devices namely PN junction diodes, LEDs, Zener diode, solar cells, PNP and NPN transistors. Also construct amplifiers and oscillators using discrete components. Demonstrate inverting and non-inverting amplifiers using op-amps