Departments - Chemistry - Research Activities
Research Activities:
As a part of IMSC 5 year course the students were sent for thier internship at Vivan life sciences pvt. Mallapur, Hyderabad, 10 final IMsc stduents were sent for 6 months for the same under the giudance of Dr.Chikkam Srinivas and Dr.Suresh. The internship program was headed by Dr.N.Sreelatha DL in Chemistry. The continuous monitering and reports were taken care and periodical visit by Dr.A.Neeta TGTWRDC Principal and Mr. K.Sudharakar Rigional Coordinator Rangareddy Hyderabad and Dr.N.Sreelatha DL in Chemistry.
As a part of IMSC 5 year course the students were sent for thier internship at IICT life sciences pvt. Mallapur, Hyderabad, 10 final IMsc stduents were sent for 6 months for the same under the giudance of Scienitists sir/Madam of different areas. The internship program was headed by Dr.N.Sreelatha DL in Chemistry. The continuous monitering and reports were taken care and periodical visit by Dr.A.Neeta TGTWRDC Principal and Mr. K.Sudharakar Rigional Coordinator Rangareddy Hyderabad and Dr.N.Sreelatha DL in Chemistry.
Two-Day National Seminar on Chemical Sciences in sustainable technology and developments-Challenges and Opportunities-2024(CSSTDCO-2024). The seminar was organised by department of Chemistry TGSWRD & PG College (W) Mahendrahills Ankushapur on 26th and 27th April 2024 at PGRRCDE, Osmania University Hyderabad. Dr.N.Sreelatha DL in Chemistry, HOD IMSC Vice Principal, G.Raveena GDL in Chemistry along with 11 IMSC V year Students have attended this seminar and presented 5 oral presenatation out of which received 2 best oral presentation for the papers.
Best oral presentation papers:
1. Carbon dioxicide reforming of methane over Nickel Manganese Spinel.
(Authors:- Dr.Nuvula Sreelatha and Jae Sung Lee)
2. Renewable Energy-Advancing Renewable Powers.
(Authors:- Dr.Nuvula Sreelatha, Vani M, P.Sruthilaya, P.Nagalaxmi and D.Poojasri)
Other papers:
3. Sustainable Green Technology- Its Development and Challenges in 2024.
(Authors:-Dr.Nuvula Sreelatha, S. Thirumala, B. Kavitha)
4. Advancements and Challenges in Renewable Energy Technologies .
( Authors:- Dr.Nuvula Sreelatha, S.Ankhitha, M.Poojitha and K.Soumya)
5. Nano Technology-Revolutionizing Industries and Enhancing Sustainablity.
(Authors:-Dr.Nuvula Sreelatha, K.Divya and T.Anusha)
Two-Day National conference on Chemistry for Sustainable Future organised by department of Integrated Chemistry at Palamuru University, Mahabubnagar. On the eve of National Science Day February 28th 2024. Dr. N.Sreelatha DL in Chemistry HOD of IMSC along with 2 IMSc stduents i.e,. IV year Thirumala and III year Soumya have attended the conference and presented poster.
Poster Presentation :
1. Eco-Frendly Synthensis of Dihydro Pyridin-2- one over Zinc Catalyst.
(Authors:- Dr.Nuvula Sreelatha and N.Hemalatha)
2. Nano-materials and Biomaterials
(Authors:- Thirumala IMSC IV year)
3. Asymmetric Synthesis and Organo Catalysis
( Authors:- Soumya IMSc III year)
S.No | Name of the Invitation | Link |
1 | Two-Day National conference on Chemistry for Sustainable Future | View link |
"Seminar Oriented Training Programme on Chemistry and Chemical Sciences":-
Was organized by Department of Chemistry, TGTWR Degree & PG College(W) Shadnagar on 4th January 2025 at Seminar hall. The seminar was headed by Dr.A. Rajendar Reddy, Chief Scientists and Chiar DKIM, IICT. Dr.Reddy delivered an insightful speech on"The History of IICT and Evalution of Chemistry from Ancient to Current Era". followed by :
- Dr.T.Jagadeeshwar Reddy, Senior Principal Scientsts-Mass Spectrometry, LC-MS, MALDI and Use of intelligent knife in Cancer surgery"
- Dr.Pavani Vadthya, Senior Scientist and Skill Committee member:- Chemical engineering, Process Technology and Collaboration of AI-ML with chemical engineering.
- Shri. P.Anil Kumar, Principal Scientists and Nodal officer:- Skill Development, Career Selection in the field of Chemistry and Skill India Mission.
The overall seminar was informative, interactive and career oriented and directing stduents to pursue thier higher studies.
Visit to Prof. Jayashankar Telangana Aggricultural University Rajendra Nagar:
Dr.N.Sreelatha, DL in Chemistry HOD of IMSC and Vice Princiapl, G.Raveena GDL in Chemistry along with 34 stduents of IMSC has visited Prof.Jayashankar Telangana aggricultural University, Rajendra Nagar Hyderabad, on 30th April 2024. The students visited Quality assurence ISO cell, HPLC(High performance liquid chromatography), Gas Chrmatography techniques, isolation process, pesticides content detection plants and units. They have interacted with the concern authorities and learnt about the techniques processures and importances of the evaluations. Furthermore, they have enquired about research oriented and internship programs in the University.
SAMYUKTH-2025 Event:
The event is been held at Indian Institute of Chemical Technology Hyderabad from 3rd February to 13th February 2025. where in different research and cultural activities have been organised including anchoring fun games research poster presentation, quiz competitions etc. The students of IMSc final year(17 students) carrying out internship at the same institute are actively participate and learning the same.
National Conference:
Catalysis Society of India and CO2 India Network have organized a National conference on "Catalysis for Energy, Environment and Sustainability" (CEES-2024) from 18th to 20th september 2024. Dr.N.Sreelatha DL in Chemistry along with IMSC students-Navya sree, S.Thirumala, S.Ankhitha and Kavitha, working in Catalysis division and nano material for their internship have attended the conference.
One Week One Lab visit:
By third year IMSC Students of 20 Members along with Chemistry Department faculty Habeeba Unnisa.
we have attended the speech given by the Vice-chancellor of O.U Campus and also professor Gopal from Mahatma Gandhi University . They have given speech on Corona vaccine “SARC”.
we went to explore the live Experiment of chemistry ,there we have seen the mass
spectroscopy ,NMR and also we got to know about different types of oil slike Saturated, Poly saturated,and Unsaturated
Oils with its extraction also we have seen the Air purifier Atmosperic water generator and also alkaline ionized water.
we visited to next experiments that is “water bio-refinery platforms“that helps in production of hydrogen and by this process we can reduce the pollution .
we have observed all the experiment sand we have an interesting experiment that is in processing .
In two or three decades it will be in progress that is the” synthetic Aviation Lubricants “ .
“ONEWEEK-ONELAB”Programme was well received by our students.
Our students showed lot of Curiosity in this program to know about interesting facts and were motivated by the experiments and students were looking forward for such programs in the next future .
National seminar on traditional knowledge influence of science for sustainable society at IICT, Hyderabad on 27th May-2022.
Throughout this national seminar students have received excellent information about traditional medicine based on the real scientific research by interaction of tribal people who are surviving in the forest students also learned about benefits of Ayurvedic Medicine and also visited by gas production unit explored instrumental technique labs.The co-ordinator of this programme was Habeeba unnisa,GDL in Chemistry.
(Centre for Materials and Electronic Technology) ROH Skill development Programme for Tribal welfare residencial students:
Skill development programme conducted by CMET (Centre For Materials for Electronics Technobgy) at cherlapaIly In the month of march i.e from 9-03-2023 to 20-03-2023 a team of CMET (Dr.Ramaswami sir, sir, Srilekha madam, Ravali madam) conducted theory classes in our college (TTWRD&PG COLLEGE shadnagar) on E-Waste, Ion Chromatography and GC-MS.
Then practical training was held at CMET (cherlapally), from 27/03/2023 to
1 /04/2023 for batch-I and 11 /04/2023 to 13/04/2023 , 19/04/2023 to 21/04/2023 for batch-IL For this practical training complete transport facility was provided by the CMET.
Overall 124 students with the co-ordinator Habeeba unnisa,GDL in Chemistry were actively participated this programme so they have divided this students into two batches and conducted practicals seperately.
Practicals such as GC MS instrumentation ,E-waste dismantling ICPOES, and IC with their applications were explained in detail.
Our students got wonderful opportunity to learn science by doing, along with the theoretical knowledge our students enjoyed science through hands on experience.
On the last day there was a CMET visit which revealed many facts and successfull work carried out at CMET Which includes Hafnium(rare earth metal) extraction which takes 365 days time, this extracted Hafnium will be sent to ISRO(INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANIZATION).
E-Waste plant and the work they carryout here is extraordinary and appreciable from PCB(printed circuit board) many precious metals like copper(for 50kg input we will get 9, 5kg output), gold(from one PCB 25 gms of gold obtained), silver and platinum were extracted through Smelting and electrolytic process,suitable chemicals are used for the extraction of this metals,
At solar plant they have explained about the life of solar panel as well as about the extraction of metals by leaching and etching process, also about recycling of glass, purification through zone refining process.
Lithium ion batteries were treated with suitable acid or alkaline solution to extract required metals under pyrolytic conditions through leaching process.
Si-carbide Single crystal Research ,Si-C technology and trends in modern electronic industry like in mobiles, air crafts, PV-inverters,battery chargers for EV,server power supply, traction.
It was an excellent programme which made our students know the things which are unknown. They had a beautifull practical experience. This programme motivated our students to opt chemistry as mainstream to proceede in their life. It has developed innovative thinking encouraged our students to do project works in chemistry