
Departments - Chemistry - Course Outcomes

Course Outcome:

  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of major concepts in all disciplines of chemistry.
  • Students will employ critical thinking and the scientific method to design,carryout,record and analyze the results of chemical experiments and get an awareness of the impact of chemistry on the environment, society, and other cultures outside the scientific community.      


S. No




Course outcome

































By the end of this course,Students will be able to:

  1. Inculcate industrial applications of carbides, silicones, acidity and reactivity of boran compounds.
  2. Detail understanding of variouscompounds of elements of p-block and theoreticalknowledge to perform semi micro analysis i.e. Identification of inorganic salts.
  3. Understand the concept nature ofchemical bond.
  4. Overview of periodictable and S,Pblockelements
  5. Thesetopics provide excel lent understanding of basic knowledge of organic chemistry in future of course.
  6. These topics give a foundation to cater the needs of quantum mechanics future of course and useful ltolearn behavior of realgases,liquification phenomenon,viscosity of liquids etc.










   Il Paper-II











By the end of this course,Students will be able to:

  1. Understand reactivity and structures of oxides, oxy acids, structures of inter halogen compound. zero group elements and d-block elements.
  2. Understand the concept structure and bonding in organic compounds.
  3. Understand the concept of stereochemistry. Understand different types of reaction mechanism.
  4. Understand alkanes,alkenes.Understand the aromaticity of organic compounds.
  5. Understand the crystal structures, solutions colligative properties Certain physical techniques such as steam and fractional distillation methods. separation techniques based on Nernst law.
  6. Understand the quantitative analysis(volumetricanalysis) and gravimetric analysis.
  7. Inculcates the practical knowledge of identification and confirm the given unknown salt mixture.













lll Paper-III















  1. Understand the chemistry of F-block and non-aqueous solvents.and symmetry of the compounds.
  2. Understand the structure and chemical bondinginaryl,alkylhalides,aldehydes.
  3. Understand the structure and chemical bonding in alcohols and phenols.
  4. Understand chemical reactions of acids,alcohols,phenols etc.
  5. Understand the phase rule and phase diagram. Surface chemistry and adsorption, their importance in industry
  6. Understand the stereo chemistry of carbon compounds. Its importance in research field. Importance of nano materials in medical and industrial field.
  7. Volumetric analysis,and gravimetric analysis.estimation of carbonate,bicarbonate, copper etc.

























  1. Understand the chemistry complex compounds,metalcarbonyls,organometallic compounds and applications.
  2. Understand the chemistry of carboxylicacids and their derivatives,activemethylene compounds and nitro compounds. industrial and research importance.
  3. Understand the electrolytical cells, electrochemical cells applications batteries industry. Conductometric titrations, emf etc.
  4. Understand the modern approach of chemistry i.e. pericyclic reactions,strategicsynthesis and stereoselectivity and their research applications
  5. To estimate the concentrations of given compounds bytechnical methods, Conductometry and potentiometry.













  1. Understand the CFT,magnetic properties,color properties,applications of complex compounds.
  2. Understand the chemistry aminesandheterocyclic compounds and their importance medical fields.
  3. Understand the thermodynamics of chemical reactions&concept of chemical kinetics.



Vl Paper-Vl





  1. Understand the spectroscopic technique stoelucidation of the given compound.Gainsthe knowledge of I.R, U.V and ELECTRONIC SPECTRAL TECHNIQUES
  2. Students are able toPreparation of and checking purity through T.L.Coffeworganic compounds.














  1. Student able to understand the reaction mechanism of inorganic complexes, inert and labile nature, bio inorganic chemistry i.e. importance of micro and macro nutrients in human.
  2. Student able to understand the chemistry and reactions of carbohydrates and aminoacids. Their importance in medical and biological fields.
  3. Student able to understand the thermo chemical reactions and thermodynamic parameters, spontaneous and non-spontaneous, equilibrium, Cp and Cv, thermodynamically carried processes such as entropy etc.,
  4. Students are able to identify and confirm the given organic compounds and able to test the purity samples.






   Vlll Paper-Vlll







  1. Understand the various types of diseases and various terms involved in medicinal chemistry. nomenclature of drugs and therapeutic activity of drugs. absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of drugs.
  2. Understand the chemistry of enzymes and their action,drugaction–receptortheory, drug function with an example.
  3. Understand the synthes is of drugs and about the drugs to treatmetabolicdisorders.And those drugs which acting on nervous system.
  4. Understand about molecular messenger  and health promoting drugs in detail.
  5. Students are able to perform practical’s of various physical chemistry experiments and gain the sound knowledge of their significant.

Program   specific outcomes:

By the end of the course,the students will be able to:

  • Join sch for competitive exams like MPSC, UPSC,GATE, CAT.
  • Analyze and grasp abstract ideas to apply them to important practical problems.
  • Develop strong analytical skills and abroad based background in the Chemical sciences to join the Indianindustry.