
Departments - Computer Science - Course Outcomes

Course Outcomes:

  • Students should be able to understanding of the basic operations of a computer system, specifically in terms of the systems' hardware and software components, use computer applications software.
  • Develop ability to analyze a problem, identify and define the computing requirements, which may be appropriate to its solution.
  • To prepare students to undertake careers involving problem solving using computer science and technologies.
  • Develop ability to pursue advanced studies and research in computer science.
  • To produce entrepreneurs who can innovate and develop software product.
  • They can able to solve problems and discuss, comment on the social impact of the widespread use of computer technology and automate simple tasks in specific applications.






Course Outcome







Sem ester - I



Programm ing In C




  1. Explore algorithmic approaches to problem solving.
  2. Ability to analyze a problem and devise an algorithm to solve it.
  3. Able to formulate algorithms, pseudo codes and flow charts fora rithmetic and logical problems
  4. Ability to implement algorithms inthe ‘C’ language.
  5. Develop modular programs using control structures and arrays in ‘C’.





Sem ester – I


Information Technology



Students will be able to acquire basic knowledge in Information Technology and its applications in the areas of business.













Semester - I






Programming In C







  1. Explore algorithmic approaches to  problem solving.
  2. Ability to analyze a problem and devise an algorithm to solve it
  3. Able to formulate algorithms, pseudo codes and flowcharts for arithmetic and logical problems.
  4. Ability to implement algorithms inthe ‘C’ language.
  5. Develop modular programs using control structures and arrays in ‘C’.





Able to understand the concept of object oriented   programming  Use the benefits of object oriented design and understand when it is an appropriate methodology to use .



   Semsester - II

Programming In C++


Design object oriented solutions for small systems involving multiple objects.













Programming with

C & C++


Explore algorithmic approaches toproblem solving.










Semester – II





  1. Ability to analyze a problem anddevise an algorithm to solve it.Able to formulate algorithms, pseudo codes and flowcharts for arithmetic and logical problems.




    2. Ability to implement algorithms inthe ‘C’ language.




 3. Develop modular programs usingcontrol structures and arrays in ‘C’.










      Semsester –III




Data Structures using C++






  1. Understand to implement object
  2. oriented programming concepts.
  3. Understand how to design graphical user interface in C++ programs.
  4. Understand how to design and develop applets.
  5.  Able to design User Interface using Swing and AWT.
  6. Understand concept of packages and study how to implement them.




Sem ester - III

Relational Database Management



  1. Able to understand database concepts         and      database management system software.
  2.  Analyze and design a real database application.  Develop and evaluate a real database application using a database management system.
  3.   Able to develop applications using PL/SQL & front end tools.he student to develop the skill of web.

Programme Specific Outcome:-

The students can get the knowledge and skills during the end of the degree course.

  • By goodness of the preparation they can turn into a Banking jobs, Data Entry Operator, Clerical Jobs, Government as well as Private employments and so on.
  • Students will prove themselves in different professional exams like C.A., C S, CMA, TSPSC, UPSC. .
  • Students will be able to do their higher education and can make research in the field of Computer Science and Applications.