Committees & Clubs

Committees & Clubs - Clubs - Commerce Club

Commerce Club has been introduced with the purpose of promoting the practical understanding of current business environment and its relevant forces. In this club, opportunities are provided to the students to understand the current business environment and to enrich and empower the students with academic and technical excellence. In order to meet the challenging needs of corporate world environment, it is not just sufficient for a student of commerce to be sound theoretically but must also be exposed to the outer world in a dynamic way to face practical situation.   Objectives of Commerce Club are : To expose students to meet the practical challenges in the current business scenario. To let the students interact with business experts of  industry. To build self-confidence and proactive approach.

Commerce club activities were started on 6th September 2019.

Activities conducted in the club:

a) Commerce word build 

b) Commerce quiz 

c) Group discussion d) Seminar 

e) Debate 

f) Guess the Brand name 

g) Commerce Puzzle 

h) Commerce Damshards 

i) Commerce word world

Planning to conduct:

a) JAM 

b) Visit to bank 

c) Guest lecture