
Departments - MATHS - Extension Activities


The  Mathematics Department   organized a Extension lectureon  6 th march 2020, focusing on the topic “RING THEORY” .The event dependence on  different properties  on rings and ideal.

Mr.V.Samba  SivaRao began by providing a   overview of Ring theory  emphasizing  their significance in various mathematical applications. The basics, types and importance of rings were elucidated.

The lecture delved into fundamental concepts such as rings, subrings, ideals, and homomorphisms. Professor Rao explained key definitions and theorems, ensuring a solid foundation for the audience.

Mr..Sambasivaraoelucidated various properties of rings, including commutativity, existence of identity elements, and the role of zero divisors. Concrete examples were used to illustrate these properties.

Professor Sambasivarao covered advanced topics such as unique factorization domains, integral domains, and field extensions. These topics provided a glimpse into the depth and complexity of Ring Theory. The extension lecture on Ring Theory by Professor SambasivaRao was an enlightening and intellectually stimulating event. Attendees gained a deeper understanding of advanced concepts, and the interactive nature of the session facilitated a robust exchange of ideas. The event contributed significantly to the academic enrichment of those interested in abstract algebra and its applications.


The Mathematics Department   organized awebinar on 19th December 2022, focusing on the topic “Sequences and Their properties”. The event aimed to deepen students understanding of mathematical sequences and their various properties.

Ms. K.jyothirmai Rani began by providing a comprehensive overview of mathematical sequence, emphasizing their significance in various mathematical applications. The basics, types and importance of sequences were elucidated.

The applications of sequences in real word scenarios was a focal point of the jyothirmai Rani garu shared practical examples, demonstrating how sequence play a crucial role in different fields,from  science to finance.

The event concluded with an interactive question and answer session, allowing students to engage with the Ms. Jyothirmai Rani  and seek clarifications on the presented topics.

The Mathematics Department extends its gratitude to Ms.k.Jyothirmai Rani for her valuble insights and to all the students for their active involvement .The webinar served as a platform for intellectual exchange and enrichment, contributing to the continual pursuit of mathematical knowledge.